Examples of past writing workshops from 3 Penny Publishing held in Victoria, BC.
(future writing workshops on hold)
2012 – October 13 – Writing Workshop – Introduction to Creating Ebooks – with Peggy Richardson
Topic: The advantages of eBooks for authors; Choosing the right kind of eBook for your audience; What is the right platform to sell your eBook; Characteristics of attractive eBook covers; How eBooks can be lead-generators; and common eBook formatting problems and how to avoid them. Peggy has worked on writing, training, and digital publishing projects in Canada and the US since 1994. Her approach to self-publishing includes audio & video production, podcasting, marketing, publicity & interactive ebooks. She also teaches workshops at Simon Fraser University.
2012 – June 9 DAMMIT JIM I’M A WRITER NOT A PROMOTER! – (See video from event)
This writing workshop topic will cover how successful authors create income for themselves while remaining true to who they are. With Author Coach Matthew Ashdown and Special Guests Grant McKenzie suspense novelist and Rebecca Kennel, self-published author of Victoria Bench by Bench.
Also: What being successful means to you; Selling your art without selling out; Publishing Plan of Action that works for you; Identifying what you have control over, and what you don’t; What are the common reasons why authors don’t make sales; Goals: the difference between performance and outcome related goals; Blocks: when you know what you should be doing, but aren’t, and what to do about it; Resistance to selling – how to overcome it; Rejection: Develop immunity and feel good promoting yourself.
“The trick is becoming the kind of person that people trust and want to buy from, versus the person that people cross the street to avoid.” – Matthew Ashdown
2012 – March 10 Writing Workshop – Getting Down To Business for Writers: How to organize and approach writing & self-publishing as a business
(See event video – Bernice Lever)
(See event video – Joyce Sandilands)
Speakers: Bernice Lever (Canadian Author Association), Joyce Sandilands (Whitlands Publishing) and Matthew Ashdown (Friesen Press). Co-Sponsored by Friesen Press.
2011 – November 4 Writing Workshop
Book Promotion with speakers from Friesen Press
Topics: How to battle self-promotion shyness; Common barriers to being your own sales and PR hero; Social media tips for authors. Matthew Ashdown, Author Coach and “Director of Inspiration” at Friesen Press, is also one of the “GratiDudes” from the Gratitude Dance now seen by 400,000+ people on youtube and ABC’s Good Morning America. Friesen Press Social Media Team will also share tips on using social media for book promotion.
2011 – Oct. 15 Writing Workshop – Promoting your Self-Published Book (See video from event)
Presenters: Bruce Batchelor and Rebecca Kennel
Book promotion for people who are thinking about writing a book, those ready to publish, and those who have already self-published their book and want more strategies and ideas for promotion. In 1995, Bruce invented print-on-demand (POD) publishing; he was CEO of Trafford Publishing for 11 years and is now owner/publisher at Agio Publishing and author of of Book Marketing Demystified. Rebecca Kennel self-published Victoria Bench by Bench and is on her second printing of this successful book. (Summary of her March 16th presentation). See video of Rebecca’s talk from Oct. 15th
2011 – March 26 Writing Workshop – Write and Self-Publish your Memoirs. Co-Sponsored by First Choice Books
With Rebecca Kennel (author of Victoria Bench by Bench) and Harry Leslie Smith (author of 1923: A Memoir). (2016 update, Harry became famous)
Summary of Rebecca’s presentation
Summary of Harry’s presentation
2010 – October 16 -Self-Publishing Workshop for Parents: How to Publish Your Child’s Work
Topics: Learn step-by-step what you need to do to publish your child’s book including creation, drafts & revisions; learn various publishing options and what different Print-on-Demand and self-publishing companies can offer.
Child-authored book examples: Billy, Cuddles and Funny Bunny Adventure in Victoria : William Blake’s Poetical Sketches 10 more historical examples here
Check the Self-Publishing Resources tab for information to help you self-publish your book.