Writers’ groups and organizations are listed below. In addition, be sure to check local bookstores and libraries. Since 2020, many writers’ organizations have moved their events online. If you are new to online events, first check these helpful resources:
- Tips to engaging remote meetings
- Dos and Donts when participating in an online event
- Tips for attending a virtual conference
Writers’ Group Pros and Cons
Before joining a writers’ group, check out these tips and warnings by Jennie Nash and an article about the problem of bad feedback by Michael Neff (who also offers three alternatives to writing groups).
Despite these cautions, many writers have found writers’ groups vital to their creative process. Check Holly Lisle advice for productive writers’ groups. and these 8 questions to help you choose the right group.
“Get feedback on your writing, and take it with a grain of salt, but if you are hearing the same thing from several people, consider that they may have a point. Be gracious about all feedback, even if you don’t agree with it. If you feel that someone is overly critical or just doesn’t get your style, thank them politely, but don’t ask them to critique your writing again.” ––Georgette St. Clair
“When you receive advice on a manuscript, don’t make a decision. Initially all critiques are grating. No matter how nicely delivered, hearing criticism is painful. Most people become defensive. They want to stand up for themselves and explain why it has to be that way, and what the reader clearly missed. I’ve learned that if you get defensive with people giving you honest critiques, you won’t get them anymore. So controlling that reflex is important. The other thing I found is to wait. …When I’m alone with my thoughts and no one can see, I reevaluate. The anger is gone, the embarrassment, and pride are all someplace else, and it is just me alone with the decision. Most of the time I realize she was right and I quietly make the change.” ––Michael J. Sullivan
Canadian Writers’ Organizations
- Canadian Authors’ Association
- Writers’ Trust Canada
- Writers’ Union of Canada
- CBC’s Guide to Canadian Writing Groups (2018)
- Crime Writers of Canada
- Screenwriters Guild of Canada
- Canadian Freelancer Guild
- The FOLD Canada (monthly webinars)
Writers’ Organizations – BC
- Federation of BC Writers
- Book Publishers of BC
- Independent Authors Network
- Vancouver Island Romance Authors
- Children’s Writers and Illustrators of BC
- Read Local – BC
Writers’ Groups – Victoria, BC
- Victoria Writers’ Society
- Writers’ Choice Review (Victoria and Gulf Islands)
- Victoria Writers’ Meet-ups & Sub-Groups
Online Groups for Indie Writers
- Alliance of Independent Authors
- Booklife – Publisher’s Weekly site for Indie Authors
- Top online writers’ groups
- Scribliophile writing workshop
- Independent Publishing Organizations
- Anne R Allen’s list of writer’s groups
Finally, if you appreciate the resources here, and love books, check out our online Zazzle store full of book-themed gifts including buttons and bags for book clubs.
Note: Links and information are for research purposes and do not replace professional advice. In addition, accuracy of third-party websites cannot be verified. In addition, links do not indicate endorsement.
Updated October 2023 by 3PennyPublishing – Victoria, BC, Canada; researching and sharing self-publishing resources with writers since 2010.