Economic Offramp – Quotes

Cover promo for Economic Offramp  How a Guaranteed Livable Income Can Get Us Off the Road to Destruction and Onto a Livable Future

The following quotes are from the 2023 book “Economic Offramp: How a Guaranteed Livable Income Can Get Us Off the Road to Destruction and Onto a Livable Future” by C.A. Delle, published by 3 Penny Publishing. For book details go to:

banner with quote from economic offramp book stating: Environmentally harmful activities are driven by economics. Let's end the "jobs versus environment" dilemma with a Guaranteed Livable Income.

Environmentally harmful activities are driven by economics. Let’s end the “jobs versus environment” dilemma with a Guaranteed Livable Income. Why we need #UBI #GLI #basicincome #economicofframp

Green ideas can’t take root when planted in a morbid economic system that relies on high consumption & waste. Current economic incentives are destroying our life-supporting systems. Why we need #UBI #GLI #basicincome #economicofframp

Banner with economic offramp quote: How much of our economy is dependent on ruining people's physical and mental well-being? A GLI provides an offramp to a livable economy.

How much of our economy is dependent on ruining people’s physical and mental well-being? A GLI provides an offramp to a livable economy. Why we need #UBI #GLI #basicincome #economicofframp

Image with quote from Economic Offramp book Poverty is an upstream problem that causes a massive cascade of downstream problems.

A GLI is not “too expensive” because poverty is an upstream problem that causes a massive cascade of downstream problems. Why we need #UBI #GLI #basicincome #economicofframp

A GLI (guaranteed livable income) is a systemic solution for the systemic problem of an economy that NEEDS over-consumption to function. Why we need #UBI #GLI #basicincome #economicofframp

Instead of economics pushing us to maximize work, we must go in the opposite direction and strive to minimize work—as crazy as that might sound now. Why we need #UBI #GLI #economicofframp #livable #livable4all #biosphere #environment

“Economics pushes us to MAXIMIZE work. This is ECOCIDE. If we want a livable FUTURE we must strive to MINIMIZE work. Why we urgently need a livable GLI/UBI. Free copies of “Economic Offramp” available.”