Economic Offramp – How a Guaranteed Livable Income Can Get Us Off the Road to Destruction and Onto a Livable Future
2023 publishing project: Non-fiction ebook Economic Offramp by C.A. Delle: How a Guaranteed Livable Income (a.k.a. basic income or guaranteed annual income) can help people and the environment shift to a livable-for-all economy.
Learn more and where to purchase here
Published August 2023 by 3 Penny Publishing
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My Opportunity & Help Book BC
My Opportunity & Help Book BC is a directory of key community resources to help people find new opportunities or help with life problems. (Out of print.)
Billy, Cuddles and Funny Bunny Adventure in Victoria
Billy, Cuddles and Funny Bunny Adventure in Victoria is a child-authored children’s story full of quirky humour about three friends who form a spy team to study human behaviour. It is set in various parks including Beacon Hill Park in Victoria, BC, Canada.
View the short trailer for this publishing project
Hear the full story narrated on Youtube.
To purchase, email the publisher.
About the author:
“Nutmeg B” wrote this story when she was a 10-year-old home-learning student. Her story was influenced by her stand-up comedian father and from being the youngest in a large family.
About this publishing project: We believe children should be encouraged to tell their own stories. Today, this has become easier than ever before. You can find a list of self-publishing resources here.
More books coming in 2024