Economic Offramp Book

Economic Offramp: How a Guaranteed Livable Income Can Get Us Off the Road to Destruction and Onto a Livable Future – by C.A. Delle.

Go to the main book page for excerpts and more

economic offramp book cover

FREE until November 30, 2023 the following places:

1. Leanpub: Free with membership

2. Apple Books: Search for “Economic Offramp”. Available as a free ebook until November 30, 2023.

3. Email 3 Penny Publishing for free ebook (epub) or PDF (224 pages). Write why you are interested in the topic of guaranteed livable income (aka universal basic income).

No audiobook is available, however, you can have the ebook “read aloud” if you have an Android device. Use the Google Play Books app (icon is a dark blue triangle with a light blue bookmark). After you download the ebook to your device, open the ebook in Google Play Books. Find “Read Aloud” under settings: swipe down from top, under the three dots you should find the “read aloud” option. This function is not perfect; words are occasionally mispronounced, but it mostly works well. If you need more instructions to use this app, check Youtube.

Main Economic Offramp book page here.

Find quotes and social media graphics here.